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Products : Imperial Bird Netting Imperial Bird Spikes Product Gallery
Imperial Bird Spikes

Imperial Netting bird spikes are of the highest-grade stainless steel with a dense strong plastic base to support and insure once installed a complete pigeon proof area. Applying the adhesive to the wide dense plastic base allows a great support for the stainless steel spikes to stand strong and wide for a very complete coverage. Imperial spikes are able to cover area of 9 inches wide

  • Spikes width are 7 inches covering ledge 9 inches wide.
  • No screws needed to attach spikes to area.
  • Wide base for a strong support.
  • Virtually invisible once installed.
  • Spikes come in two-foot strips for a quicker and permitting a reach factor for installation.
  • Easy to break (no tools required) into individual pieces if needed to install on narrow ledges.

Imperial Bird Spike
Imperial Bird Spike
Type : Composite
Category All Sizes
Imperial Spikes Imperial Spikes Imperial Spikes
Imperial Spikes Imperial Spikes Imperial Spikes
Imperial Spikes Imperial Spikes Imperial Spikes

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